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Draughtproofing and ventilation in the home

09 February 2017

Starts: 19:30
Ends: 21:30

Transition Black Isle and Home Energy Scotland present a workshop looking at practical ways to draughtproof your house without sacrificing ventilation. In addition to Home Energy Scotland's own experts and Transition Black Isle members who have already carried out work on their own homes, we will also hear from ILM, a local insulation contractor and social enterprise.

The venue is The Old Mill in Rosemarkie, an old, stone-built private house - with all the draught problems that brings. Space is limited, so although this is a free event, please book in advance. Refreshments will be provided.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.